Buying a new ink cartridge can be extremely expensive. In fact, it can be so expensive, you've probably wondered if you should just buy a new printer, of course then, you'll realize you get a free printer if you purchase a new computer. Now, that 20 dollar ink cartridge is going to cost you almost a grand! Well, that might be a bit extreme, so here's a few options that might help. If you don't mind watching Ebay, you can usually find a pretty good price on ink cartridges, both new and used. Yes, I said used. This is where it gets interesting. Walgreens is able to refill your used ink cartridge for a small fee, even offering coupons at times. There is one more thing that makes the Walgreens deal rather enticing. On occasion, Walgreens will mess up the ink cartridge, this can mean anything. If that happens, they give you back your cartridge for free. Then you can take it home, and most times, it works fine. Sometimes, the color doesn't print correctly, but if you like a bit or artistic interpretation to your printed coupons, you might enjoy the change. Print on.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pharmacies - They do more than photos
Buying a new ink cartridge can be extremely expensive. In fact, it can be so expensive, you've probably wondered if you should just buy a new printer, of course then, you'll realize you get a free printer if you purchase a new computer. Now, that 20 dollar ink cartridge is going to cost you almost a grand! Well, that might be a bit extreme, so here's a few options that might help. If you don't mind watching Ebay, you can usually find a pretty good price on ink cartridges, both new and used. Yes, I said used. This is where it gets interesting. Walgreens is able to refill your used ink cartridge for a small fee, even offering coupons at times. There is one more thing that makes the Walgreens deal rather enticing. On occasion, Walgreens will mess up the ink cartridge, this can mean anything. If that happens, they give you back your cartridge for free. Then you can take it home, and most times, it works fine. Sometimes, the color doesn't print correctly, but if you like a bit or artistic interpretation to your printed coupons, you might enjoy the change. Print on.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Sam I Am Part Deux
Local libraries have also thrown themselves into the battle on kids summer playtime. They have been battling it for years now and actually have made amazing progress. Many times they get the kids in by offering toys and free books, sometimes they'll even throw ice cream into the mix. Basically, all you need to do is call or visit your local library and ask at the reference desk. I'm sure they'll be happy to help you out and get your kid(s) involved. Just beware, many times they offer Adult Summer Reading programs, though the prizes don't seem to be as plenty, they do usually offer something.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Summer of Sam I Am

During the summertime, most kids are playing and enjoying their time off of school, and reading books tends to be the farthest thing from their minds. But, local book stores are trying to battle that situation head on. Barnes and Noble and Borders are both offering summer reading programs with incentives. Yes, I said, incentives, I mean, why else would I put it on this blog right. All the kids need to do is read a certain number of books, fill out either of these, here or here, turn the form into the bookstore and boomshakalaka, they receive a free book (from a predetermined list). Borders even let my youngest receive a book even though I just read the required amount of books to him. Though I prefer loving and not fighting, I'm willing to support the battle to get our kids reading. Good luck and God speed.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Return of the Geoffrey

Toys R Us does it again and personally I'm hoping they go for more. What I'm talking about is their birthday club. It's for kids ages 1-10, though I've tried to get in myself in, but to no avail. Basically what it is, it's grandma and grandpa in the form of a department store. You show up on your birthday, or someday close to it, and they act like you own the place. They announce that you're in the store and everybody should pay attention and then give you a balloon that floats for two weeks. What's even better is that they send you a birthday card with money (in the form of a gift card) in it. Kids love that stuff, and Toys R Us, if you're listening, so do we adults.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Toys R on Us
Friday, July 23, 2010
Staples now has a Dollar Menu

Thursday, July 22, 2010
This morning, runs on dunkin

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Diagnosis Netbook Murder
So, you think that the AC Adapter for your netbook is broken, but aren't sure. You really don't want to spend money to have someone "look" at it, but you're at a loss as to what to do. Guess what, there's a relatively simple solution. Stores surprisingly want you to buy their stuff. Take your netbook to the store you purchased it from or another dealer that sells netbooks and tell them the issue. Then ask if they might have one on display that you could use to test the adapter with your netbook. If it works, wallah, you're a computer genius and you seriously should get paid for this stuff. Well, let's not go that far, but hey you solved the mystery and you can now purchase an AC Adapter.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
1 Receipt = Free Bathtub
Ok, so the moral of this story is easy, SAVE YOUR RECEIPTS. I know, it's easy to throw them out, in fact it feels good to throw them out at times. But, you have to fight that urge and save them. When you buy something big or expensive, like, say a bathtub, staple the receipt to the instructions. (Ya, save those too.) That way, if you have problems, or need to cash in on that 1, 3 or 5 year warranty, you know where to look and you can hopefully save your hard earned cash for something else, like say, a file cabinet.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Get Paid For Eating Lunch
If you don't mind spending a little time away from being bored or work, you might be interested in trying out research studies, clinical trials, taste testing, or product testing. Now, if you're wondering what I'm talking about, then listen up. There is a great big world out there that wants to pay you for doing things such as tasting food, testing products or testing you. Usually, they don't require much effort, but pay pretty decent. If you can get a friend to go along, you can even pretend it's fun. Although my wife doesn't let me refer to them as dates, yet. Most college campuses, medical facilities or larger cities will have opportunities available, you just need to search the correct term or talk to the right person. Generally, if you search for any of the things I listed, along with your area or college, something will come up. Here are a few examples if you live in the Ann Arbor area: Engage or Arbor Strategy Group. Enjoy your Lunch!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Ninety People Exhausted ... I mean, P90X
OK, so people want to save money and also have a super awesome body, right. What to do? P90X of course, it seems to be all the rage currently, but it's kind of expensive and you're probably not even sure if you'll use it. Well, here are some ideas to not only save you time, but also save you money. First, see if one of your friends has it, of course, you probably know if they're using it, most people aren't. Borrow it. This allows you to try it and also helps your friend not feel like they wasted 3 easy payments of 39.95 plus 19.95 s/h. Another thing you can do is visit you're local library. If they don't have it, most libraries will actually purchase products for you, crazy I know, but getting them to purchase stuff for you saves you money, a great financial tip. Ah, saving money, doesn't it feel good. OK, say you don't have a library and don't have any friends, guess you'll need to purchase it. Here's how,, or Capitalize on people who made the initial investment, but got exhausted instead without exhausing your wallet. Good luck saving money and getting that awesome body.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
First Post
I suppose the most important thing I can tell you about saving money is this, CARE. I know, it seems simple right, but for some reason, saving money is one of the most difficult things to do. The first step is simple though, Care. Care about the money you have and care enough to save and spend it wisely.
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